James Lee's Journey To The East 🐉

你好,世界! (Hello, World!)

Can't start a blog or newsletter without a well-known cliché!

Why Start A Blog?

Because I just felt like it, honestly!

Okay okay, calm down. Don't point that gun at me! 😱🔫

If I were to really dig deep into my why, it's because of a book someone recommended to me. It's called, "Show Your Work!" by Austin Kleon. It's been awhile since I read it but the main takeaway I got from it was the idea of showing your work publicly, even if you don't consider yourself as an expert. Blogging is the natural, ever-growing evolution of one's journey publicly displayed and selectively refined for public benefit. So I hope to benefit at least one person out there reading this, whoever they may be.

And if it turns out that nobody actually ends up reading this, well at the very least I get to improve my writing chops and brag to myself that I have a blog while I sleep at night! 😎

You begin to notice the strange fog surrounding you...
